hi everyone Aaron here for ZolloTech and today Apple released iOS12.4
developer beta 3 this is out to developers and maybe out to public beta testers
by the time your watching this or later in the day or the following day it
just depends and this one came in at two hundred and seventy nine point five
megabytes on my iPhone XS max and it can vary depending on which device your on
now let’s take a look at the build number you can see the build is sixteen G
five zero three eight D and this particular build actually has one small change
but let’s talk about the actual storage size since I did a beforehand after
Please watch the Video
so if I go into photos prior to installing the iOS update I had
thirty nine point five gigabytes used when it comes to system storage I was
using fifteen point six seven gigabytes let’s take a look at the actual storage
now so well go to iphone storage and you’ll see it’s a using little bit more
and this goes up and down as its installing and then kind of optimizes
everything in the background let’s wait for it to load and well take closer
look so as you can see system storage is seventeen point zero five gigabytes on
my iPhone XS Max and this can go up or down depending on what you’re doing but
I just kind of wanted to give it as a reference as it seems that iOS over time
has actually gone down and using the amount of system storage I don’t know if
there was a bug or they fixed it along the way but it’s just something to know
now they did update the
modem firmware numbers on the devices so you should
have a new remote um firmware number and I have noticed that iOS has been
better especially with twelve point three point one and it seems like they
really fixed it with that version I’ve been running that on an eight plus but
this is my XR which I have my sim card in right now so I switch around a little
bit and it seems to be better I have not had any disconnects with Wi-Fi which
is great even though it says full signal data is working much better and
hopefully it continues to get even better with this particular update now aside
from the new modem firmware they actually updated one icon and this may hint to
iOS 13 and were not sure but the feedback iconic a little bit different you’ll
see its more rectangular here so its little more oblong it’s in a slight change
we don’t know if this is maybe hint
towards iOS 13 and it’s hard to say but iOS
13 is not that far off in fact it’s in less than a week now so on iOS or on
June 3rd will see iOS 13 will see beta 1 so that will be available to
developers but not public beta testers usually for about a month and then the
final release will come out in September now other than that there is nothing
more new that I was able to find in this particular update normally with these
updates you can assume threes bug fixes and tweaks in the background and that
about it normally they don’t do a whole lot more but I can say that it seems
super fasts everything is nice and fast as far as scrolling I haven’t had any
freezes in settings at all and you’ll see its very smooth and I can show you
that with the Geek bench numbers they seem to be much more consistent and I’ll
show you that in a moment now as far as battery is concerned battery does take
a few days to measure for sure depending on which device your on but it will
take a few days to know for sure what the battery is like but we’ll wait for it
to load here and with beta 2 it was pretty
good these are the best numbers but five
hours and three minutes with about 40% battery life left 30% left so I’m getting
through the day no problem with these particular betas thankfully and iOS 12
point for beta 3 should be no different but we’ll see in a few days with the
follow-up now Apple did release an iPod Touch today and that probably what
twelve point three point one was about it may have had some things in there for
that but I just wanted to show you even on older devices scrolling is nice and
fast everything’s nice and smooth and I have seen in forums so far that this
particular beta seems to be very fast for most people some people were saying it’s
not that much faster but I’m seeing it even on older devices be incredibly fast
when we’re talking about other devices I don’t see anything new with the
iPad but I expect big changes with iOS 13 on the eye now let’s take a look at
the Geek bench scores because I think they’ve become more consistent so on my
iPhone XS Max you’ll see I scored four thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine
for single core and eleven thousand two hundred and eighty nine from multi-core
let’s take a look at the history and it seems to have improved for single core
but not so much for multi-core but that means its staying fast but what I found
is on all of these devices it was actually very good so let me show you that on
the far left we have the iPad pro 10.5 in the middle at the top we have the
iPhone 6s plus below that we have the iPhone se tithe right of that we have an
iPhone XR and then to the right of that is headphone XS Max so that should give
you an idea or a reference to what you should be getting and again I said its
quite consistent and these numbers usually go up after you use it for a few
hours so this is a pretty good sign sot hats it for iOS 12 point 4 beta 3 let
me know what you think in the comments below of course Ill link this wallpaper
in the description as I always do if you haven’t subscribed already please
subscribe and like if you enjoyed the video as always thanks for watching this
is Aaron I’ll see you next time.
Please watch the Video
iOS 12.4 Beta 3 - What's New
Reviewed by Rom SAMSUNG
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