

State of iPhone Gaming in 2019

- Today, were gonna be looking at, what is the current state of gaming on an iPhone? iPhone's are incredibly powerful tools for gaming these days. All of these deliver world class technology that developers can harness to create very immersive experiences. iOS has become the world’s largest gaming platform. 


The most popular category on the App Store is games. With over 300,000 titles available to download. Plus, there have been more than one billion people who have downloaded games from the App Store. And recently announced, coming later in the year, on the App Store, is Apple Arcade. Which will offer over 100 new and exclusive games. For this video, we’ll be taking a look at seven of the latest and greatest iPhone games. Which are running on this iPhone XR. Which delivers a GPU with a six core fusion architecture. Two performance cores and a seven manometer chip. Almighty, so the first app we have herein really a game, per se. But it kind of is, it’s Steam Link which is a new app which allows you to remotely access your computer running Steam. So here we are with Rise of the Tomb Raider, and you can play using your controller on your iPhone. It is a little bit awkward, playing right here on your phone, so what we can do and what we will does we will go downstairs and play it on the TV, alright? Okay, so as an example of Steam Link, we have my Apple TV here, which is down here and then we can screen mirror my iPhone to the TV. There is the iPhone. And we can go into Steam Link, and then we just press start playing and you can see wave got my controller connected, and my 4K i Mac. Which is, located, upstairs. And then here we have the Steam Library and you can just use your controller and you can select whatever game you want. So here we have the game up and running. Now, this whole service is pretty much dependent on your Internet connection speeds. For me, there is a little bit of lag. Simply because I don’t have the best Internet here, in Australia, my Internets pretty bad so it is a little bit slow. This is just an example of what it can be like. It’s kind of a cool feature. Okay, so finally here we have our actual first game. Which is The Elder Scrolls: Blades. Which is Bethesda’s mobile entry into their well-known franchise which is, The Elder Scrolls. And this is uniquely a mobile experience. You can play in portrait mode, or you can play it in landscape mode. You have died, oh. (He laughs)So you time your attack by pressing down.

The longer you press, and make sure that it gets yellow, that means that you will haves stronger attack on your friend. Bethesda promises that this is a console quality game for mobile. Wave got full screen post processing, wave got depth of field, wave got 60 frames per second. And they have really mastered the lighting here. Creating some really good lighting effects. And it also has hap tic feedback, and we also have new stereo winding which makes this game really immersive, especially when you’re in the forest or whatever because you can just hear everything that’s happening around you.(swords thwacking)Dead, yeah. Up next we have Florence. Now this game wouldn’t really be possible on any other platform. It is really a mobile experience firsthand. Now this game was awarded Editor’s Choice last year and there’s no surprise why. So, like The Elder Scrolls: Blades, this game also has hap tic feedback. But it’s actually probably more noticeable in this one. Because a lot of the hap tic feedback works around how this game plays. It’s very creative, so right now were brushing my teeth. And as were brushing our teeth, the whole phone is vibrating. It’s just a really creative way, really creative touch interface and game play mechanics here. And also we still have the stereo winding. And it is awesome because this game, is really emphasizing on music and also sound. So in this example, with the touch interface, we just have to add numbers, so 25, 25,and four and four,124, 124,84 and 84.And it’s just small stuff like that, it does very day to day, mundane tasks but in a really creative manner. Let’s answer Sums call. Oh hey, Mum! Okay, the next game we have here, is The Gardens Between. It is pretty much exactly the same experiences on any other platform. Now, what’s good about playing on iPhone, once again you can play it in portrait mode or you can play it in landscape mode. And this game also supports controllers and also keyboards. But, anyway, so this is a puzzle adventure game, where you can manipulate time to solve puzzles. Put the lamp inside this, little box, you can go up here, and what’s kind of cool is that, there are two mini-games going on here. One in the background and one in the forefront. And we can press this to control hats happening in the background. (Game beeping)Cause, basically, to get through the levels you need the light. And we can get the light. So yeah, so very creative game. And by the developers, which is The Vowel Agents. And it is able to run at 60 frames per second here, which is also really cool. (Car engine revving)Now, this game is made by Feral Interactive. Who promise that this is a full console version of GRID Auto sport, so? It has got all the same features as the console version. Now, what is worth noting, though, is that this game was released in 2017.But late last year they released a huge update for new iPhone's and iPad's which improved the graphics, the lighting, post processing, all that graphical stuff that you guys seem to love .It has controller support, so, you can plug in that Steel Series Nimbus controller. And by the way, I’m a terrible driver. But yeah, this game is probably more fun with a controller. So, for instance, so yes this is a bit awkward, playing like this. But you can also Air Play this to an Apple TV or something and play it as if it’s like a gaming console. And that is an option. But it’s also pretty good if you have an iPad. But I mean, it’s perfectly playable like this. This just can be a bit uncomfortable. Unless you have maybe an iPhone case that is standing or so. But it’s a great game that, once again, is a very good demonstration of the power offered by Metal 2 on such a small device, it’s really great. Okay, up next we have Tropic, which is another Feral Interactive game. It is a strategy game. And once again, Feral have pretty much ported full PC or console game to the palm of your hands. And the fact that this game, which is huge, if you think about it, is able to run on such a small screen, is really notable. And they optimized the user interface, the touchscreen controls, to really make sure that it works here. It has pretty decent graphics for an iOS game. Your able to really close in and daddy yam. Let’s turn around, if you’re looking for a strategy game on your iPhone, holy molly, this is one of the best out there. Here we have an upcoming game, which is Sky. I think this is coming later in 2019, it’s gonna be available on Mac, iOS and Apple TV which is really cool that the developers are working on all our platforms. But basically, this is a mammoth game and it’s a really good achievement for iOS because it really demonstrates the power of our platform and Metal. But basically what you do in this game is, you collect light and you move around and it’s a co-op game, so you can join friends. It’s all open world, you can go to wherever you want. But all the details in this are so on point. And it really runs great on iPhone's and it’s just really well optimized for the touchscreen interface. The divas gave me a beta code for this game, to show you guys a demonstration of what it offers. What’s this? (eerie humming) Don’t know what that was. Okay, our last game here is an AR game which is Angry Birds: Isle of Pigs, I hope you can see that. But this is my favorite AR game on iOS or iPhone's right now. So how it works is pretty much, it’s Angry Birds but in AR, I don’t know what else to say. So, you can place the level where you want, lets place it there on our set. And here we have the main menu, let’s go to good old Picnic Point. And I’ve played a bit. I think I’ve finished this whole thing. Okay, let’s go to level 12.So, here is the, all the pigs. Now the advantage of AR is that, you can go and get the perfect shot. Now, maybe some might consider that cheating, but the advantage of it is that, you can get your perfect shot. So let’s find some TNT. (Thudding) Ow! (Boxes exploding and pigs laughing)Now, the advantage of these new iPhone is that they have really great cameras. And this allows for these AR games to really shine. And recently, Apple have released AR Kit 2, which developers can use to create really immersive AR games. Which is starting to come into fruition. Because AR games haven’t been as popular, but now were finally starting to see some really classic games like this one. So that is, iPhone gaming in 2019.And, to me it’s really impressive to see games with, in most cases, great graphical fidelity, with great stories, great sound design, all running on such a small screen, it’s really great. And developers are doing very creative things that are well optimized and just, work well on these iPhone's. And I’m really proud of these developer sand what they’re doing and the amount of dedication that Apple is showing towards gaming on iPhone's and even just on Apple as a whole. And Apple Arcade, I’m really looking forward to that as well because we’re gonna be getting some good games. But, anyways, if you enjoyed the video, you know what to do, leave a like. And I have some more iPhone videos that you can enjoy here. I think that’s one you might enjoy right there.

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State of iPhone Gaming in 2019 State of iPhone Gaming in 2019 Reviewed by Rom SAMSUNG on 6/09/2019 Rating: 5

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